Saturday, March 21, 2020
Read Roman Republic and Brutus Essay
Read Roman Republic and Brutus Essay Read: Roman Republic and Brutus Essay Yes. Brutus clearly wishes the best for Rome, and kills Caesar out of "civic responsibility," understanding that if no one stops him, he'll become tyrant of Rome and the Republic will be over. He's the only one acting out of that conviction; most other characters in the play don not act honorably and are interested in how Caesar's death will benefit themselves. Posted by enotechris on January 2, 2009. Flag Post Message enotechris Reply to Post 3 robertwilliam Teacher College - Sophomore Educator, Debater, Expert, Dickens, The Bard Great question - and there isn't a right answer. Antony clearly doesn't think so when he juxtaposes Brutus' actions with his ideals in the funeral speech in which he - with increasing levels of irony - describes Brutus and the conspirators as an honorable man. Look, in this place ran Cassius' dagger through; See what a rent the envious Casca made; Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabb'd; And as he pluck'd his cursed steel away, Mark how the blood of Caesar follow'd it... The huge gulf between Brutus' ideals and his actions is where the problem lies. In his soliloquy he outlines that he has no "personal cause" to attack Caesar, but only the "general: he would be crowned". Yet we've seen Brutus be persuaded by Cassius, who plays absolutely on Brutus' own self-important sense of honour, and even compares Brutus with Caesar, asking "why should that name be sounded more than yours?". Is Brutus only drawn into the conspiracy ("general cause") out of self-regard and arrogance - "a personal cause"? Perhaps. And, when you compare Brutus' imperative that the conspiracy rises against Caesar's spirit, in which there "is no blood", with the blood that pours out after the assassination itself, you have to conclude that Brutus is somewhat painfully idealistic. Personally, I don't think he's honorable, but a cynical portrayal of how a self-regarding liberal can bring about absolute disaster. But whichever way you go, he's a political disaster. Posted by robertwilliam on January 2, 2009. Flag Post Message robertwilliam Reply to Post 4 afi80fl Teacher High School - 10th Grade Assistant Educator Yes, absolutely, Brutus was most definitely an honorable man. Think about his initial resistance to Cassius' advances: he asks what sort of dangerous path he is being led down. Brutus
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Banking and Business Abbreviations for English Learners
Banking and Business Abbreviations for English Learners Its common in banking and business to use abbreviations for a wide range of specific business expressions. Youll find each expression followed by the appropriate abbreviations below. Remember that abbreviations and acronyms are used differently in English. Abbreviations are used to replace words or expressions while acronyms simply take the first letter of each word. Its true that some abbreviations are acronyms, but not all. Common Banking and Business Abbreviations Against all risks a.a.r.Account a/cAccount current A/CAccommodation ACC/ACCOMAccount acct.Actual cash value a.c.v.After date a.d.Addition/Additional add.Advise adv.Air freight bill a.f.b.Agency agcy.Agent agt.Air mail transfer a.m.t.Account of a/oAccounts payable A.P.Authority to pay A/PAccounts receivable A.R.All risks a/rArrive/Arriving arr.Arrange/Arrangement/Arranging arr/arrng.Approximate/Approximately approx.Account sales A/S, A.S.At sight a/sAs soon as possible asapAttention attn.Atomic weight at. wt.Average av.Actual weight a/wAir waybill a.w.b.Balance bal.Barrel bar.Barrel bbl.Brought down b/dBill of exchange B/E, b/eBrought forward b/fBefore bfor.Bill of health B.H.Bank bk.Brokerage bkge.Bill of lading B/LBrought over b/oBills payable B.P.By procuration b.p.Bills receivable B.R.Balance sheet B/SBerth terms b.t.Bushel bu.Book value B/VCirca: centaire ca.Chartered accountant C.A. Current account c.a.Cash against documents C.A.D.Cash book C.B.Cash before delivery C.B.D.Carbon copy c.c.Carried down c/dCum dividend c.d.Carried forward c/fCompare cfCost and freight c fClearing house C/HCustom house C.H.Charges forward ch. fwd.Charges paid ch. pd.Charges prepaid ch. ppd.Cheque, check chq.Cost, insurance, freight c. i. f.Cost, insurance, freight and commission c.i.f. c.Cost, insurance, freight, and interest c.i.f. i.Car load c.l.Call of more C/mCredit note C/NCare of c/oCompany co.Cash on delivery C.O.D.Commission comm.Corporation corp.Cash on shipment C.O.S.Carriage paid C.P.Charter party C/PCharters pay duties c.p.d.Corporation cpn.Credit; creditor cr.Cable transfer C/TConstructive total loss c.t.l.Constructive total loss only c.t.l.o.Cumulative cum.Cum dividend cum div.Cumulative preference cum. pref.Commercial weight c/wCash with order C.W.O.Hundredweight cwt.Documents against acceptance; deposit account D/A Documents against payment DAPDebenture db.Deferred def.Department dept.Dead freight d.f.Draft dft.Draft attached dtf/a.Clean draft dft/c.Discount disc.Dividend div.Dayletter DLDaily letter telegram DLTDebit note D/NDelivery order D/ODitto do.Dozen doz.Documents against payment D/PDebtor dr.Doctor Dr.Days after sight d/s, d.s.Deadweight d.w.Dock warrant D/WPennyweight dwt.Dozen dz.European Currency Unit ECUEast European Time E.E.T.For example e.g.Enclosure encl.Endorsement end.Errors and omissions excepted E. O.E.End of month e.o.m.Except otherwise herein provided e.o.h.p.Especially esp.Esquire Esq.Established est.Out exex coupon ex cp.Ex dividend ex div.ex interest ex. int.ex new (shares) ex h.ex store ex stre.ex wharf ex whf.Free of all average f.a.a.Fast as can f.a.c.Freight all kinds f.a.k.Fair average quality; free alongside quay f.a.q.Frequently asked questions F.a.q.Free alongside ship f.a.s. For cash f/cFree of capture and seizure f.c. s.Free of capture, seizure, riots, and civil commotion f.c.s.r. c.c.Free delivery to dock F.D.Free discharge f.d.Following; folios ff.Free of general average f.g.a.Free in bunker f.i.b.Free in and out f.i.o.Free in truck f.i.t.Free on board f.o.b.Free of charge f.o.c.Free of damage f.o.d.Following; folio fol.Free on quay f.o.q.Free on rail f.o.r.Free on streamer f.o.s.Free on truck(s) f.o.t.Free on wagons; free on wharf f.o.w.Floating policy F.P.Fully paid f.p.Free of particular average f.p.a.Freight frt.Freight paid frt. pd.Freight prepaid frt. ppd.Freight forward frt. fwd.Foot ft.Forward fwd.Foreign exchange f.x.General average g.a.Goods in bad order g.b.o.Good merchantable brand g.m.b.Good merchantable quality g.m.q.Greenwich Mean Time G.M.T.Gross national product GNPGood ordinary brand g.o.b.Gross gr.Gross register ton GRTGross weight gr. wt.Gross tonnage GT Home consumption h.c.Height hgt.Hogshead hhd.Head office H.O.Hire purchase H.P.Horsepower HPHeight ht.Integrated data processing IDPThat is i.e.Insufficient funds I/FIndicated horsepower i.h.p.Import imp.Incorporated Inc.Inclusive incl.Interest int.Invoice inv.I owe you I.O.U.Joint account J/A, j.a.Junior Jr.Kilovolt KVKilowat KWKilowatt hour KWhLetter of credit L/C, l.c.Telegram in the language of the country of destination LCDTelegram in the language of the country of origin LCOLanding; loading ldg.Long ton l.t.Limited Ltd.Long ton l. tn.Month m.My account m/aMaximum max.Memorandum of deposit M.D.Months after date M/D, m.d.Memorandum memo.Plural of Mr. Messrs.Manufacturer mfr.Minimum min.Minimum lending rate MLRMoney order M.O.My order m.o.Mortgage mortg.Months after payment M/P, m.p.Mates receipt M/RMonths sight M/S, m.s.Mail transfer M.T.Making-up price M/UName; noiminal n.No account n/a No advice N/ANo commercial value n.c.v.No date n.d.Not elsewhere specified n.e.s.No funds N/FNight letter NLNo noting N/NNo orders N/ONumber no.Not otherwise enumerated n.o.e.Numbers nos.No par value NPVNumber nr.Net register ton n.r.t.Not sufficient funds N/SNot sufficient funds NSFNet weight n. wt.On account o/aOverseas common point OCPOn demand; overdraft O/D, o/dOmissions excepted o.e.Overhead o/hOr nearest offer ono.Order of O/oOpen policy O.P.Out of print; overproof o.p.Owners risk O/R, o.r.Order, ordinary ord.Out of stock O.S., o/sOvertime OTPage; per: premium p.Particular average: per annum P.A., p.a.Power of attorney; private account P/APhase alternation line PALPatent-pending pat. pend.Pay as you earn PAYEPetty cash p/cPecent; price current p.c.Parcel pcl.Paid pd.Preferred pf.Package pkg.Profit and loss P/LPartial loss p.l.Promissory note P/NPost office; postal order P.O.Post office box P.O.B. Post office order P.O.O.Pay on return p.o.r.Pages pp.Postage and packing p pPer procuration p. proPrepaid ppd.Prompt ppt.Preference pref.Proximo prox.Postscript P.S.Payment pt.Please turn over P.T.O., p.t.o.Partly paid ptly. pd.Par value p.v.Quality qulty.Quantity qty.Riot and civil commotions r. c.c.Refer to drawer R/DRunning down clause R.D.C.In regard toà reReceived; receipt rec.Received recd.Redeemable red.Reference ref.Registered reg.Returned retd.Revenue rev.Refused on deliveryà R.O.D.Reply paid R.P.Revolutions per second r.p.s.Please reply RSVPRight side up with care R.S.W.C.Railway RyStamped addressed envelope s.a.e.Stock at valuation S.A.V.Sea damaged S/DSight draft S/D, s.d.Without date s.d.Special drawing rights SDRSigned sgd.Sundays and holidays excepted s. h. exShipment shipt.Signature sig.Sue and labor clause S/LC, s l.c.Shiping note S/NSellers option s.o.Standard operating procedure s.o.p. Spot spt.Senior Sr.Steamship S.S., s.s.Short ton s.t.Sterling ster.Stock exchange St. Ex.Sterling stg.Sub voce s.v.Telegraphic address T.A.Trial balance T.B.Telephone tel.Temporary secretary temp.Total loss T.L., t.l.Total loss only T.L.O.Multiple telegram TMTurn over T.O.Transfer tr.Telegram to be called for TRTrust receipt TR, T/RTelegraphic transfer (cable) TT, T.T.Telex TXUrgent UGTUnder separate cover u.s.c.Underwriters U/wsVolt v.Value val.Value-added tax v.a.t.Very good vg.Very high frequency VHFVery highly recommended v.h.r.Wat w.With average WAWaybill W.B.Without charge w.c.West European Time W.E.T.Weight guaranteed wg.Warehouse whse.With other goods w.o.g.Weather permitting; without prejudice W.P.With particular average w.p.a.War risk W.R.Warehouse receipt W/R, wr.Weather working day W.W.D.Weight wt.ex coupon x.c.ex dividend x.d.ex interest x.i.ex new shares x.n.Year y.Yard yd. Year yr.Yearly yrly.
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